We are pleased to announce that VoltVision’s Co-Founder and Managing Director, Manoli Yannaghas, presented at the Mining Indaba conference in Cape Town on Wednesday 8th February. This year’s forum took place over four days with Manoli presenting on, ‘Why could based technologies are becoming an essential enabler of efficiencies and sustainability in the mining sector’.
Manoli’s presentation covered how Cloud based technologies have advanced over the last few year; the need for analytics and data storage that can extract and analyse vast volumes of high-resolution raw data in near real-time; the creation of a Single Source of Truth (SSoT) across mine sites and end-to-end across each mine value chain; and barriers to adoption of cloud based technologies.
“There is no doubt that increased access to cloud-based technologies has fuelled the growth and proliferation of specialist, fast adapting, cloud-based applications such as VoltVision’s. These offer the mining sector low-capex quick ROI solutions, that can improve efficiencies and sustainability across the mining lifecycle.”
Manoli Yannaghas